Documents module
Documents List

GET response
{ author:"McCrea, Siobhan" dateCreated:"2010-05-14T00:00:00Z" documentType:"Discharge summary" source:"marand" sourceId:"16cad9dd-cc4b-42f8-b7b2-980835d9e977" }
Component structure
//component template let templateDocumentsList = require('./documents-list.html'); //controller init class DocumentsListController { constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ngRedux, documentsActions, serviceRequests, usSpinnerService, serviceFormatted, templateService) { } //component init const DocumentsListComponent = { template: templateDocumentsList, controller: DocumentsListController }; //inject services/modules to controller DocumentsListController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ngRedux', 'documentsActions', 'serviceRequests', 'usSpinnerService', 'serviceFormatted', 'templateService']; //es6 export for component export default DocumentsListComponent;
Documents Detail

GET response
{ author_id:"023781" author_idScheme:"Medical Council No" author_name:"McCrea, Siobhan" clinicalSynopsis:"ADMISSION REASON: Admit with acute abdominal pain, deranged LFTs, normal amylase DIAGNOSIS: Cholecystectomy PROBLEMS: Abdominal pain PROBLEMS: Gallstones THEATRE PROCS: Lap Chole NON THEATRE PROCS: None LAB INVESTIGATIONS: As attached - FBC, UE, LFTs, Amylase RAD INVESTIGATIONS: As attached - USS Abdomen, MRCP OTHER INVESTIGATIONS: None PROGRESS DURING STAY: Uncomplicated post operative recovery.Full diet tolerated, wound sites dry and intact, no oozing. Vital signs normal, apyrexial. Mobilising/teds/clexane. No c/o abdominal pain. C/O right shoulder tip pain - advised post operative complication and should resolve within several days. Normal MRCP pre-op. Dx = acute cholecystitis with transiemt choledocholithiasis. ALLERGIES: NKDA DISCHARGE MEDICATION: MEDICATION:Refused analgesia on d/c INFO GIVEN TO PATIENT: All results and surgery as above explained. For removal of clips in 10/7 in dressing clinic - appt given. Avoid constipation OPD FOLLOW UP: 6/52 GP ACTIONS: Routine follow up" dateOfAdmission:"" dateTimeOfDischarge:"" diagnosisList:[] dischargingOrganisation:"" documentDate:1273795200000 facility:"St.James's Hospital (Dublin)" patientIdentifier_gms:"-" patientIdentifier_gmsType:"GMS" patientIdentifier_mrn:"9999999000" patientIdentifier_mrnType:"MRN" patientIdentifier_oth:"1020714" patientIdentifier_othType:"OTH" responsibleProfessional_id:"4547" responsibleProfessional_idType:"MCN" responsibleProfessional_name:"COOKE MR FIACHRA" sourceId:"88463100-c7f4-4e0b-9cbf-a212d96b1030::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1" }
Component structure
//controller init class DocumentsDetailController { constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ngRedux, documentsActions, usSpinnerService, ConfirmationDocsModal) { } //component init const DocumentsDetailComponent = { template: function($element, $attrs, templateService) { let templateDocumentsType = require('./' + templateService.getTemplate()); return templateDocumentsType; }, controller: DocumentsDetailController }; //inject services/modules to controller DocumentsDetailController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ngRedux', 'documentsActions', 'usSpinnerService', 'ConfirmationDocsModal']; //es6 export for component export default DocumentsDetailComponent;
Documents Actions
Component structure
//es6 import modules import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'; import * as types from '../../../constants/ActionTypes'; //es6 export function export function findAllDocuments(patientId) { return { types: [types.DOCUMENTS, types.DOCUMENTS_SUCCESS, types.DOCUMENTS_ERROR], shouldCallAPI: (state) => !state.allergies.response, config: { method: 'get', url: '/api/documents/patient/' + patientId }, meta: { timestamp: } }; }
Documents Reducer
Component structure
//es6 import modules import * as types from '../../../constants/ActionTypes'; const INITIAL_STATE = { isFetching: false, error: false, data: null, dataGet: null, dataCreate: null, dataUpdate: null }; //es6 export function export default function documents(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) { const {payload} = action; //redux action for Clinical statements requests var actions = { [types.DOCUMENTS]: (state) => { return Object.assign({}, state, { isFetching: true, error: false }); }