Drawings module

Drawings List

Drawings list view
Drawings List
GET response
    date: 1423440000000
    name: 'Cardiac Catherization'
    source: 'Marand'
    sourceId: "6ba725c8-9a61-41e9-82c0-d4c6788d9ec8"
Component structure
  //component template
  let templateDrawingsList = require('./drawings-list.html');

  //controller init
  class DrawingsListController {
    constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ngRedux, drawingsActions, serviceRequests, usSpinnerService, serviceFormatted) {

  //component init
  const DrawingsListComponent = {
    template: templateDrawingsList,
    controller: DrawingsListController

  //inject services/modules to controller
  DrawingsListController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ngRedux', 'drawingsActions', 'serviceRequests', 'usSpinnerService', 'serviceFormatted'];
  //es6 export for component
  export default DrawingsListComponent;

Drawings Detail

Drawings Detail Tab 1
Drawings Detail Tab 1
Drawings Detail Tab 2
Drawings Detail Tab 2
GET response
    author: 'Dr Jhon Smith'
    date: 1423440000000
    image64: '...'
    name: 'Cardiac Catherization'
    source: 'Marand'
    sourceId: "6ba725c8-9a61-41e9-82c0-d4c6788d9ec8"
Component structure
  //component template
  let templateDrawingsDetail= require('./drawings-detail.html');

  //controller init
  class DrawingsDetailController {
    constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ngRedux, drawingsActions, usSpinnerService, serviceRequests, $timeout, $window) {

  //component init
  const DrawingsDetailComponent = {
    template: templateDrawingsDetail,
    controller: DrawingsDetailController

  //inject services/modules to controller
  DrawingsDetailController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ngRedux', 'drawingsActions', 'usSpinnerService', 'serviceRequests', '$timeout', '$window'];
  //es6 export for component
  export default DrawingsDetailComponent;

Drawings Create

Drawings Create
Drawings Create
POST data
    author: 'Dr Jhon Smith'
    date: 1423440000000
    image64: '...'
    name: 'Cardiac Catherization'
Component structure
  //component template
  let templateCreate = require('./drawings-create.html');

  //controller init
  class DrawingsCreateController {
    constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ngRedux, drawingsActions, serviceRequests, serviceFormatted, usSpinnerService, $window) {

  //component init
  const DrawingsCreateComponent = {
    template: templateCreate,
    controller: DrawingsCreateController

   //inject services/modules to controller
  DrawingsCreateController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ngRedux', 'drawingsActions', 'serviceRequests', 'serviceFormatted', 'usSpinnerService', '$window'];
  //es6 export for component
  export default DrawingsCreateComponent;

Drawings Create

Drawings Drawing work with Brushes
Drawings Drawing work with Brushes
Drawings Drawing work with Fonts
Drawings Drawing work with Fonts
Drawings Drawing work with Pictures
Drawings Drawing work with Pictures
Component structure
  //component template
  let templateDrawingsDrawing = require('./drawings-drawing.html');

  //controller init
  class DrawingsDrawingController {
    constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, serviceRequests, usSpinnerService, $timeout, $window) {

  //component init
  const DrawingsDrawingComponent = {
    template: templateDrawingsDrawing,
    controller: DrawingsDrawingController

  //inject services/modules to controller
  DrawingsDrawingController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'serviceRequests', 'usSpinnerService', '$timeout', '$window'];
  //es6 export for component
  export default DrawingsDrawingComponent;

Drawings Actions

Component structure
  //es6 import modules
  import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux';
  import * as types from '../../../constants/ActionTypes';

  //es6 export function
  export function all(patientId) {
    return {
      types: [types.DRAWINGS, types.DRAWINGS_SUCCESS, types.DRAWINGS_ERROR],

      shouldCallAPI: (state) => !state.drawings.response,

      config: {
        method: 'get',
        url: '/api/patients/' + patientId + '/drawings'

      d: {
        timestamp: Date.now()

Drawings Reducer

Component structure
  //es6 import modules
  import * as types from '../../../constants/ActionTypes';

  const INITIAL_STATE = {
    isFetching: false,
    error: false,
    data: null,
    dataGet: null,
    dataCreate: null

  //es6 export function
  export default function drawing(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
    const {payload} = action;

  //redux action for Drawings requests
  [types.DRAWINGS]: (state) => {
    state.dataCreate = null;
    state.dataUpdate = null;
    return Object.assign({}, state, {
      isFetching: true,
      error: false