MDT module
GET response
{ dateOfMeeting:1455062400000 dateOfRequest:1458739933006 serviceTeam:"" source:"marand" sourceId:"5836b208-160f-4925-b2b1-a26626432940" }
Component structure
// import packages import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { lifecycle, compose } from 'recompose'; import PluginListHeader from '../../plugin-page-component/PluginListHeader'; import PluginCreate from '../../plugin-page-component/PluginCreate'; import PluginMainPanel from '../../plugin-page-component/PluginMainPanel'; import MDTsCreateForm from './MDTsCreate/MDTsCreateForm'; import { fetchPatientMDTsRequest } from './ducks/'; import { fetchPatientMDTsDetailRequest } from './ducks/'; import { fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditRequest } from './ducks/'; import { fetchPatientMDTsCreateRequest } from './ducks/'; import { fetchPatientMDTsOnMount, fetchPatientMDTsDetailOnMount } from '../../../utils/HOCs/fetch-patients.utils'; import { patientMDTsSelector, patientMDTsDetailSelector, mdtPanelFormSelector, mdtCreateFormStateSelector } from './selectors'; import MDTsDetail from './MDTsDetail/MDTsDetail'; import { checkIsValidateForm, operationsOnCollection } from '../../../utils/plugin-helpers.utils'; // map dispatch to Properties const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ actions: bindActionCreators({ fetchPatientMDTsRequest, fetchPatientMDTsDetailRequest, fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditRequest, fetchPatientMDTsCreateRequest }, dispatch) }); @connect(patientMDTsSelector, mapDispatchToProps) @connect(patientMDTsDetailSelector, mapDispatchToProps) @connect(mdtPanelFormSelector) @connect(mdtCreateFormStateSelector) @compose(lifecycle(fetchPatientMDTsOnMount), lifecycle(fetchPatientMDTsDetailOnMount)) export default class MDTs extends PureComponent { // React component // component template render() { return () } }
MDT Detail
GET response
{ dateOfMeeting:1451779200000 dateOfRequest:1459497013278 notes:"Discussion abc" question:"Question abc" servicePageLink:null serviceTeam:"" source:"Marand" sourceId:"7148406b-90dd-4ffe-899e-0b86a3943a91" timeOfMeeting:0 }
Component structure
// import packages import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PluginDetailPanel from '../../../plugin-page-component/PluginDetailPanel' import MDTsDetailForm from './MDTsDetailForm' import { getDDMMMYYYY } from '../../../../utils/time-helpers.utils'; import { valuesNames, valuesLabels } from '../forms.config'; export default class MDTsDetail extends PureComponent { // React component // component template render() { return () } }
MDT Detail Edit Form
PUT data
{ dateCreated:1513944310667 dateOfMeeting:1456265462518 dateOfRequest:1482170593395 notes:"Investigations normal. Review in 3 weeks" question:"Increasing back pain" servicePageLink:"test" serviceTeam:"MDT Prostate Cancer team" source:"marand" sourceId:"3e3ee29e-36bf-4fb1-82fb-0fea9813899c" userId:"9999999000" }
Component structure
// import packages import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import ValidatedInput from '../../../form-fields/ValidatedInputFormGroup'; import ValidatedTextareaFormGroup from '../../../form-fields/ValidatedTextareaFormGroup'; import DateInput from '../../../form-fields/DateInput'; import { valuesNames, valuesLabels } from '../forms.config'; import { validateForm } from '../forms.validation'; // decorator to connect its form component to Redux @reduxForm({ form: 'mdtsPanelFormSelector', validate: validateForm, }) export default class MDTsDetailForm extends PureComponent { // React component // component template render() { return () } }
MDT Create Form
POST data
{ dateCreated:1513944407018 dateOfMeeting:1513634400000 dateOfRequest:1512943200000 notes:"Investigations normal. Review in 3 weeks" question:"Increasing back pain" servicePageLink:"test" serviceTeam:"MDT Prostate Cancer team" source:"openehr" userId:"9999999000 }
Component structure
// import packages import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import ValidatedInput from '../../../form-fields/ValidatedInputFormGroup'; import ValidatedTextareaFormGroup from '../../../form-fields/ValidatedTextareaFormGroup'; import DateInput from '../../../form-fields/DateInput'; import { validateForm } from '../forms.validation'; import { valuesNames, valuesLabels } from '../forms.config'; import { defaultFormValues } from './default-values.config'; // decorator to connect its form component to Redux @reduxForm({ form: 'mdtsCreateFormSelector', validate: validateForm, }) export default class MDTsCreateForm extends PureComponent { // React component // component template render() { return () } }
MDTs List Duck
File structure
// import packages import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { fetchPatientMDTsDetailRequest } from './'; // Actions names export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_REQUEST = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_REQUEST'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_SUCCESS = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_SUCCESS'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_FAILURE = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_FAILURE'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_UPDATE_REQUEST = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_UPDATE_REQUEST'; // Actions export const fetchPatientMDTsRequest = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_REQUEST); export const fetchPatientMDTsSuccess = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_SUCCESS); export const fetchPatientMDTsFailure = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_FAILURE); export const fetchPatientMDTsUpdateRequest = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_UPDATE_REQUEST); // Epics for async actions export const fetchPatientMDTsEpic = (action$, store) => {}; export const fetchPatientMDTsUpdateEpic = (action$, store) => {}; // reducer export default function reducer(patientsMDTs = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_SUCCESS: return _.set(action.payload.userId, action.payload.mdts, patientsMDTs); default: return patientsMDTs; } }
MDTs Detail Duck
File structure
// import packages import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; // Actions names export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_REQUEST = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_REQUEST'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_SUCCESS = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_SUCCESS'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_FAILURE = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_FAILURE'; // Actions export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailRequest = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_REQUEST); export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailSuccess = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_SUCCESS); export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailFailure = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_FAILURE); // Epics for async actions export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailEpic = (action$, store) => {}; // reducer export default function reducer(mdtsDetail = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_SUCCESS: return _.set(action.payload.userId, action.payload.mdtsDetail, mdtsDetail); default: return mdtsDetail; } }
MDTs Detail Edit Duck
File structure
// import packages import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { fetchPatientMDTsUpdateRequest } from './' // Actions names export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_REQUEST = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_REQUEST'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_SUCCESS = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_SUCCESS'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_FAILURE = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_FAILURE'; // Actions export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditRequest = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_REQUEST); export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditSuccess = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_SUCCESS); export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditFailure = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_FAILURE); // Epics for async actions export const fetchPatientMDTsDetailEditEpic = (action$, store) => {}; // reducer export default function reducer(mdtsDetailEdit = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_DETAIL_EDIT_SUCCESS: return action.payload; default: return mdtsDetailEdit; } }
MDTs Create Duck
File structure
// import packages import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { fetchPatientMDTsRequest } from './' // Actions names export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_REQUEST = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_REQUEST'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_SUCCESS = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_SUCCESS'; export const FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_FAILURE = 'FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_FAILURE'; // Actions export const fetchPatientMDTsCreateRequest = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_REQUEST); export const fetchPatientMDTsCreateSuccess = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_SUCCESS); export const fetchPatientMDTsCreateFailure = createAction(FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_FAILURE); // Epics for async actions export const fetchPatientMDTsCreateEpic = (action$, store) => {}; // reducer export default function reducer(patientMDTsCreate = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case FETCH_PATIENT_MDTS_CREATE_SUCCESS: return action.payload; default: return patientMDTsCreate } }