Charts module

General information

Charts page includes two diagrams: patients statistic by Cities and by Age Ranges.

Click on a bar on the Patients by Cities chart redirects user to Patients list and run POST-request for searching by cities.

Click on a bar on the Patients by Age chart redirects user to Patients list and run POST-request for advanced search


Patient search by City

POST-request structure
    city: "Edinburgh"

Patient search by Age Range

POST-request structure
    from: 24,
    to: 73

Server response structure is similar for both request.

GET response (equals from all patients search types)
  	entry: [
      0: {....},
      1: {....},
      2: {....},
      3: {
        resource: {
            address: [
                0: {
                    city: "City",
                    country: "Country",
                    district: "District",
                    line: [
                        0: "Baker street, 221-b",
                    postalCode: 1234,
                1: {....}
            birthDate: "1985-07-25",
            deceasedBoolean: false,
            gender: "female",
            id: "5024d12f-ec35-4619-b982-8f27d28ee71c",
            identifier: [
                0: {
                    system: "",
                    value: 5555555541,
            name: [
                0: {
                    family: "Kolt",
                    given: [
                    prefix: "Lisa"
            resourceType: "Patient",
            telecom: "7 093 243 3598",
      4: {....},
      5: {....},
    resourceType: "Bundle",
    token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9......",